Father’s Day – The Most Important Pillar of Life but the Least Talked About

A father’s role in a family is like a strong tree with deep roots – always there to protect and support its branches. While he might not always show his love as openly as a mother might, however it is silent and much deeper. This article is an attempt to describe fatherhood that is synonym to sacrifice and compromise.

Father lays the foundation stone for the child. From the moment a child is born, a father starts a journey that is hard for sure and may not be rewarding at the end of it. He takes on the family’s worries and makes sure everyone is taken care of. He wakes up early every day, not for himself, but to work hard for his family, to make sure his children can dream big.

A father’s love is truly boundless and profound. Fathers are known for their selfless sacrifices, putting the needs and well-being of their children and families above their own. Most of the time fathers’ hardships are not seen by children nor father’s talk about it. Whether it is working long hours to provide for their loved ones, or offering a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on, fathers play a crucial role in shaping the lives of their children and instilling important values and lessons along the way irrespective what they go through. Very less is written about hardships fathers go through. Our existence comes from our father only.

A father is the keeper of family traditions and values. He teaches his children the importance of family rituals and customs that have been passed on through generations. Whether it is lighting a lamp during a festival or following special rituals during weddings, a father helps his children understand and respect their heritage. His guidance helps them live modern lives while staying connected to their roots.

One of the most touching parts of fatherhood is the silent sacrifices a father makes. He often puts aside his own desires and dreams to focus on his children’s needs and goals. Behind his serious look is a heart full of love and care. He may not always show his feelings, but his actions say a lot. Every extra hour he works is a sign of his dedication and love for family.

A father is the strong pillar of a household. He stays calm when things are tough, offering a shoulder to lean on. His presence gives comfort and security, providing stability that is vital for the family. Even when he faces his own problems, he stands tall, protecting his family from life’s difficulties.

Even if he seems quiet, the bond between a father and his children is very strong. The joy in his eyes when his child takes their first step, the pride he feels at their achievements, and the silent tears he sheds during their hardships — these moments show the deep love of a father. His love is unconditional, his support never ends, and his belief in his children is unshakeable. When he sees his children growing and succeeding in life, his happiness is limitless.

Fathers always have long-term vision for children and the whole family. A father teaches his children important life lessons. From showing them the value of hard work and honesty to guiding them on how to respect others and themselves, his wisdom shapes their character. His words of advice are ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ and should always be remembered and followed.

To all the fathers out there, this is a tribute for the countless ways you make your children lives better and more meaningful. Your silent sacrifices, unwavering strength, and boundless love are the foundation upon which kids’ lives are built. As children, we may not always express our gratitude for our Fathers as we never realize their pain and sacrifices till we ourselves become Father.

On this special day dedicated to fathers, let us take the time to appreciate and honor the important role that they play in our lives.

Let us express our gratitude for their love, sacrifices, and unwavering support. Fathers truly are the unsung heroes of our families, and their impact is immeasurable. Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing fathers!

In the heart of every child, you are the true hero — the silent protector, the steadfast guide, and the eternal pillar of love.

By: Mr. GP Gupta

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